Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Glitch in the Works?

From Donna: I'm starting to worry here. Holland America was supposed to send our boarding packages about ten days ago, but I haven't seen anything yet. I have to follow up on that. I just hope we don't arrive to find that they never heard of us. LOL. Now, that would be cool, wouldn't it? We'd have to bribe our way on board, or maybe sneak in through the crew entrance.

My bags are all packed and ready to go, except for a few last-minute things. Tonight I went out and bought a travel iron, which also has a steamer and a clothes brush attached. Normally I just toss my clothes into the dryer to fluff out the wrinkles (wish I could do the same to my body), but that's not an option while we travel.


Anonymous said...

A travel iron? Doesn't each room have one? Even the cheapie hotels I go to usually has one in each room.
If you need to stow away, sneak up to the life boats; they're empty except for the times the ship is overbooked.
If you're stuck in Seattle, you can ride the Space Needle for a few hours, that'll be enough to simulate sea sickness.

Bunnyslippers said...

I think you'll discover you don't use the iron at all--you won't want to spend your vacation time that way. I've found that to be true for everything from niceties like the travel iron all the way down to "essentials" like jewelry and makeup! I pack as if I'm going to be on a fashion spread every day, but by the end of my trip, I've dispensed with all non-essential routines, and even some that others may deem essential: Jewelry to match each outfit? Nix! Color-coordinated eyeshadow? Nah! (In fact, nah to eyeshadow entirely.) Lovely but non-functional accessories such as scarves? Nyet! Carefully applied makeup? You must be kidding! At the end, my routine consists of MAYBE removing last night's smeared mascara, washing my face, slathering on sunscreen, waving my crystal deodorant (it works!) near my armpits, brushing my teeth, throwing on some lipstick, and out the door.

Anonymous said...

After pulling my clothing from my luggage, it will need an iron. Believe me. I pack tight! I like to carry only one bag, so I bring only one basic color (usually black) and a few accessories to liven it up. Jeans go everywhere if you have a few different tops. No need for bulky athletic shoes if you have some rubber-soled loafers for walking. But the iron?? Yes. I want to look presentable for dinner. Besides, we're single women, and the officers are expected to entertain us. I want to look good.

Bunnyslippers said...

Honey, if those officers "entertain" you properly, those wrinkles will steam out from your body heat. ;-)

Anonymous said...

You should have left your travel iron at home....and don't tell them you have one - hide it when you are not using it!! They are one of the forbidden items on Holland America ships- fear of fires, I guess. They have laundry rooms with irons/ironing boards set up that you can use. You won't want to spend much time in there either! Bon Voyage

Bunnyslippers said...

Sure...NOW she speaks up! Now Donna is packing contraband. Do they have a "brig" on those ships? Will they let you out to attend the buffets?