Saturday, September 1, 2007


Packing is the biggest problem. We're still wearing shorts and tanks in California, but Alaska will be in the 40s-50s. They recommend dressing in layers, so that means long-sleeve t-shirts and sweaters, plus rain gear. We're trying to choose clothes that will mix and match well so we can have space in our bags for souvenirs. So we're leaving out anything that's too heavy... like coats and bulky sweaters. Of course, we could wear our heaviest things on the flight so we don't have to pack them. But with our weather currently in the 90s, that could make us feel like we're wearing portable saunas. Any ideas?


Bunnyslippers said...

One word: Fleece. Yes, it's bulky, but not as bulky as wool sweaters, and it's much, much lighter in weight.

Bunnyslippers said...

Dodda, I would be happy to lend you my packing book called (are you ready?) The Packing Book. It was an excellent resource when I needed to pack everything I'd need for a month in Europe into one rollaboard. If you want it, it's yours.

Anonymous said...

What a cool book! I should have borrowed it before I packed. But I have these zippered plastic bags that you vacuum-seal and it minimizes the space you use. I typically pack about 2/3 of the suitcase and stuff the rest with newspaper. That way I have enough room to buy souvenirs, but my things don't slosh around in all that extra space.

Bunnyslippers said...

And you're going to re-vacuum them to fit in your suitcase on the return