Saturday, September 1, 2007

We're Having a Heat Wave!

Right now 50° sounds pretty darn good to me! It got to 113° today in Riverside which is hotter than it was last summer. Speaking of Juneau's weather, there's a saying "you better watch out what you wish for 'cause you might get it!" I've been wishing for rain, but HERE, not in Alaska! Oh well, it takes people and attitude to have a wonderful time. As long as there's a song in our hearts and a zest for adventure, we'll have fun even if it's raining. After all, we won't melt.............
Since we have to head to the airport no later than 5:00 a.m. we can do some layering of outerwear so as not to have to pack it. It will be much cooler when we land in Seattle. It's all good!


Donna said...

Yay!!! Diane learned how to blog!!

Anonymous said...

Please bring me a piece of the glacier; it works best to put it in your suitcase for travel.

Anonymous said...

No fair - who is this person "anonymous"???

Anonymous said...

It's the Mysterious Greg in American Fork, Utah. Unless he's writing from work... then he's the Mysterious Greg from Salt Lake City.

Bunnyslippers said...

Donna wrote: "After all, we won't melt............."

That's what the Wicked Witch of the East said.